Could you please, please help me with this quick question thanks and god bless.

IN line 72 what does Juliet's answer reveal about her character?

I'm not sure could you please help me thanks.

By the way it's in Act 1 Scene 3

Well, my copy of Romeo and Juliet does NOT have marked lines. What are you referring to?


Of course, I'd be happy to help you with that question. To determine what Juliet's answer in line 72 reveals about her character, you'll need to examine the text and analyze her words and actions. Here's what you can do:

1. Identify the specific line: Find line 72 in the text. If you have the play or the specific source, refer to that. Otherwise, you can try searching for an online version of the text and navigate to line 72.

2. Read the context: To understand how Juliet's answer reveals her character, it's important to consider the surrounding lines and the events leading up to that point. Look for clues about Juliet's feelings, motivations, or any changes in her behavior.

3. Analyze Juliet's answer: Once you've located line 72 and grasped the context, examine Juliet's actual answer. Consider the words she uses, her tone, any potential symbolism or figurative language, and how her response aligns with her previous actions or statements.

4. Connect the answer to her character: Based on your analysis, ask yourself how Juliet's answer reflects her personality, values, or desires. Does it confirm or challenge any traits or behaviors she has demonstrated in the play? Think about how her answer may reveal her emotions, intelligence, bravery, or other aspects of her character.

By following these steps, you should be able to gain a deeper understanding of Juliet's character and how her response in line 72 contributes to that understanding. Good luck, and feel free to ask if you have any further questions or need additional assistance!