problem:suppose a bacterium reproduces by binary fission every 20 minutes.the new cells survive and reproduce at the same rate. this graph shows how the bacterial population would grow from a single bacterium. use the graph below to show your results up to 120 minutes. ( the graph is blank)

go by 2 and 20 40 60 and so on

i did the same question its 20 60 120



i'm an eighth grader and idk what you guys are talking about :]

To plot the bacterial population growth on the graph, we need to understand the process of binary fission and the rate at which it occurs. In binary fission, a bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. This means that with each round of binary fission, the number of bacteria doubles.

Given that binary fission occurs every 20 minutes, we can calculate the population growth by dividing the total time (in minutes) by the time taken for one cycle of binary fission (20 minutes).

Let's start plotting the bacterial population growth on the graph up to 120 minutes:

1. At the beginning, we have a single bacterium, so we start with a population of 1.

2. After 20 minutes, the first round of binary fission occurs, and the population doubles from 1 to 2.

3. After another 20 minutes (40 minutes total), the second round of binary fission occurs, and the population doubles again from 2 to 4.

4. After 60 minutes (20 minutes more), the third round of binary fission occurs, and the population doubles from 4 to 8.

5. After 80 minutes (20 minutes more), the fourth round of binary fission occurs, and the population doubles again from 8 to 16.

6. After 100 minutes (20 minutes more), the fifth round of binary fission occurs, and the population doubles from 16 to 32.

7. Finally, after 120 minutes (20 minutes more), the sixth round of binary fission occurs, and the population doubles from 32 to 64.

Now you can start plotting these population values on the graph, where time is represented on the x-axis, and the population is represented on the y-axis.

Keep in mind that at 120 minutes, the population of bacteria is 64. This information can help complete the graph accurately.