how did Mikhail gorbachev affect the government?

What did Boris Yeltsin do and how did he affect the government?

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Mikhail Gorbachev, when he became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985, implemented a series of reforms that significantly influenced the government and the Soviet Union as a whole. His policies of perestroika (economic restructuring) and glasnost (openness) aimed to modernize the economy and increase political transparency.

Under Gorbachev's leadership, the government engaged in various measures such as allowing limited private ownership, promoting market-oriented reforms, and reducing central planning. These changes had a profound impact on the Soviet economy, as they attempted to move away from a centrally planned economy to a more mixed and dynamic system.

Furthermore, Gorbachev's policy of glasnost allowed for increased freedom of speech, press, and political expression. This change led to the relaxation of government control over the media and allowed for more open political discussions. It also resulted in the exposure of widespread corruption and inefficiencies within the Soviet system.

Boris Yeltsin, on the other hand, played a critical role in the transition from the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation. As the first President of Russia from 1991 to 1999, he made significant contributions to the government and reshaped its structure.

Yeltsin instituted a series of economic reforms, known as shock therapy, which aimed to transition Russia from a command economy to a market economy. These policies involved privatization of state-owned enterprises, price liberalization, and deregulation. However, these reforms led to a rapid rise in inequality and a decline in living standards for many Russians.

Yeltsin's presidency was marked by increasing political centralization and concentration of power. He faced several challenges, including a constitutional crisis in 1993, when he dissolved the Russian parliament, leading to a violent confrontation. Yeltsin also implemented a new constitution in 1993, which consolidated power in the hands of the presidency.

Overall, Yeltsin's leadership had a significant impact on the government. While he helped facilitate the transition to a market-oriented economy, his presidency also involved controversial actions and the consolidation of power, shaping the course of Russian politics for years to come.