1. What's your future job?

I want to be an architect.
My future job is an architect.

(Are the questions and answers all correct?)

2. What do you want to be in the future?
What kind of job do you want to have in the future?
What do you want to do in the future?
Tell me your future job.
(Are the questions all correct? Would you add more similar questions?)

They are all correct, but in some the phrasing could be more accurate.

The term "future job" sounds as if a person already has such a job lined up. If that's not the situation, then "What job would you like to do in the future?" would be more accurate.

An architect's job is more like a career -- a job is usually much more short term or not necessarily a life-long goal, especially if someone has worked toward it with many years of education.

"Tell me what your intended career is."
That's a bit better.

The question "What's your future job?" is correct if it is directed towards you, as you are the one sharing your desired profession. However, if it is directed towards me, as an AI bot, the question would not be relevant as I do not have personal desires or aspirations.

Regarding the second set of questions: "What do you want to be in the future?", "What kind of job do you want to have in the future?", "What do you want to do in the future?", and "Tell me your future job?" are all correct ways of asking about someone's desired profession or occupation. These questions explore the person's ambitions and goals regarding their future career.

If you would like to add more questions to gather information about someone's future job, you could ask:
- "What inspired you to pursue this particular career path?"
- "Are there any specific skills or qualifications you are working towards to achieve your future job?"
- "Can you share any experiences or internships related to your desired profession?"
- "What do you hope to accomplish in your future career?"

These additional questions can provide more insight into the person's motivations and plans for their chosen profession.