I am having a difficult time finding a resource to site for why it is necessary to have both federal and state worker's compensation plans.

It depends on who one's employer is:


Thank You

To find a resource to cite for why it is necessary to have both federal and state worker's compensation plans, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on an academic database, such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or PubMed. These databases offer a wide range of scholarly articles, publications, and research papers.

2. Use relevant keywords to refine your search. For example, you can include terms like "federal and state worker's compensation" or "importance of federal and state worker's compensation plans."

3. Scan the search results and look for articles or papers that specifically discuss the necessity of both federal and state worker's compensation plans. Pay attention to titles, abstracts, and keywords.

4. Once you find a suitable resource, make sure it is from a reputable source. Check the author's credentials, publication date, and the journal or website it is published in.

5. Read the chosen resource thoroughly and extract the information that supports the necessity of having both federal and state worker's compensation plans. Look for reasons, examples, or evidence provided by the author(s) that explain why this dual system is important.

6. Take note of the key points, quotes, or statistics that you plan to include in your citation. Make sure to properly format the citation according to the citation style required by your institution or assignment guidelines (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

7. Lastly, include the citation in your paper or project, and ensure that you provide any necessary in-text citations or footnotes to credit the source properly.

Remember, this process may require some time and effort, but using reputable and scholarly resources will enhance the credibility and quality of your work.