How do you say great great grandmother and great great grandfather in spanish?

bisabuela = great grandmother

bisabuelo = great grandfather

gran bisabuela = great great grandmother

gran bisabuelo = great great grandfather

To say "great great grandmother" in Spanish, you would say "tatarabuela" and to say "great great grandfather," you would say "tatarabuelo."

Now, let me explain how to arrive at these translations. "Great great" implies a level of ancestry that goes beyond just the usual "great grandparents." In Spanish, the prefix "tatar-" is used to indicate various generations beyond grandparents.

To form these terms, we start with the word "abuela" meaning "grandmother" and "abuelo" meaning "grandfather." Then, we add the prefix "tatar-" to indicate additional generations. So, "tatarabuela" refers to a great great grandmother, and "tatarabuelo" refers to a great great grandfather.