How long should it take for someone that knows what they are doing to make a pair of jeans?

Welllllll, I remember learning how to sew. I backed the machine off in a corner where it couldn't run away, got out a pattern and some material and cut out a blouse that had a collar and sleeves. I practiced putting the collar and sleeves in until they went in straight and didn't pucker. That took quite a number of sewing in and ripping out times. So I would suspect that you could probably learn to make a pair of jeans that didn't look wierd in a couple of months of steady practice. Remember you have to learn how to make flatfelt seams before you even think of making jeans, AND you need to learn how to put in a placket and a zipper before you try jeans....I would strongly suggest that you take a sewing class and learn the basics; let the teacher know what you are aiming for. Good luck with your project.

Thanks soo much for some insight but I'm not doing it myself, I wanted someone with experience and knowledge of all those things. Like if they knew what they were doing, they could make 2 pair a day working about 4 or 5 hours?

If the jeans are already cut out, and if the stitcher knows how to make jeans, then they should be able to make two pair in 5 hours. Remember jeans are pretty sophisticated. You have a placket, belt and beltloops, pockets and flatfelt seams... pretty fancy sewing, not for a beginning seamstress.

The time it takes to make a pair of jeans can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the design, the level of expertise of the person making the jeans, and the available equipment. However, on average, it may take an experienced seamstress or tailor around 4 to 6 hours to complete a pair of jeans.

To make a pair of jeans, you will need the following materials and tools:

1. Denim fabric: Choose a suitable denim fabric according to your preferences in terms of weight, stretch, color, and texture.
2. Sewing machine: A quality sewing machine capable of handling thicker fabrics like denim is essential.
3. Thread: Use a durable polyester thread that matches the color of your denim.
4. Jeans pattern: You can find commercial patterns or create your own by tracing an existing pair of jeans onto pattern paper.
5. Notions: This includes a jeans zipper, jeans button, rivets, and topstitching thread for decorative stitching.

To make the jeans, follow these general steps:

1. Prepare the fabric: Pre-wash and dry your denim fabric to prevent any shrinkage after the jeans are completed. Iron out any wrinkles before cutting.

2. Cut out the pattern pieces: Lay out the pattern pieces onto your fabric according to the pattern instructions, and then cut them out carefully. This typically includes fronts, backs, waistbands, pockets, etc.

3. Construct the jeans: Follow the step-by-step instructions included with your pattern. This includes sewing the different pieces together, applying pockets, attaching the waistband, and inserting the zipper.

4. Add details: Topstitching is an essential element of jeans construction. Use a double needle or a special topstitching needle to create neat and even stitches on visible seams, hems, and pockets. You may also need to attach rivets and apply decorative stitching as per your design.

5. Finish the jeans: Hem the bottom of the jeans to the desired length, and attach a jeans button to the waistband. Give the jeans a final press to achieve a polished look.

Remember, the time it takes to make jeans can vary based on your skill level and experience. Don't rush the process and focus on achieving quality construction. Gradually, with practice and familiarity, you will be able to complete the task more efficiently.