When writing the name of the book within the story, do you put the name of the book in parenthesis, or underline it?

You underline the name of a book.

You could also put it in italics as an alternative.

When writing the name of a book within a story, there are different formatting options depending on the style guide you are following. Here are two common choices:

1. Use italics: According to most style guides (such as APA, MLA, Chicago), it is recommended to use italics to indicate the title of a book. For example: "In the novel *To Kill a Mockingbird*, Scout is the narrator."

2. Use quotation marks: Another option is to use quotation marks to indicate the title of a book. This is typically applicable when using a style guide that does not recommend italics, or when using quotation marks for emphasis or clarification. For example: "In the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' Scout is the narrator."

In both cases, it is generally not necessary to include parentheses or underline the title of a book within a story. However, it is always a good idea to consult the specific style guide you are using to ensure consistency.

When writing the name of a book within a story, you have a few options for how to format it. The most common ways are to either put the name of the book in italics or to underline it. Parentheses are typically not used for this purpose.

1. Italics: The most widely accepted format is to use italics to indicate the title of the book when mentioned within the story. For example: "In the novel *Moby Dick*, Captain Ahab seeks revenge against the great white whale." Make sure to use proper italics formatting, either by using the formatting options in your word processing software or by surrounding the book title with asterisks (*) or underscores (_).

2. Underline: In the past, underlining was frequently used to indicate book titles, especially in manuscripts written on typewriters or by hand. However, with the advent of word processing software and standardized formatting conventions, underlining has become less common overall. If you choose to underline the title, note that it may not be as widely recognized or recommended as using italics.

Remember, consistency is key when formatting book titles within your story. Whichever method you choose, make sure to apply it consistently throughout your writing to maintain clarity and avoid confusion for your readers.