1) Since it is "je t'ai aimé" would the negation be "je ne t'ai pas aimé"??

2) Is the negation of "je t'aime"
"je ne t'aime pas"? (It wouldn't be
"je te n'aime pas" right? Somehow
that doesn't sound correct to me.)

Thank you sooooooooo much!!

What you said first is it.

subject + ne + object pronouns + auxiliary verb + pas + past participle = je ne t'ai pas aimé

Sra (aka Mme)

Merci encore une fois!

You're welcome! Let me help explain the negation of these sentences for you.

1) The sentence "je t'ai aimé" means "I loved you" in French. To form the negation of this sentence, you can use the word "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb. So, the correct negation would be "je ne t'ai pas aimé," which means "I did not love you."

2) The sentence "je t'aime" means "I love you" in French. And you're right, the correct negation is "je ne t'aime pas." It may seem a bit strange to directly translate it as "I do not love you" instead of "I don't love you," but in French, the word order for negation requires the word "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb.

So, to effectively negate these sentences, remember to use "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb.