Which Is A True StateMent?

When comparing the force that is required to climb a mountain by walking up a trail that slopes gently upward to the top, versus getting there by scaling asheer vertical cliff face, """"I believe it would be D""""

a. You use more force gor a given distance of movement on the walk than on the climb
b. Walking up the trail forces you to cover a greater distance but the amount of force needed to cover a given distance will be less
C. Scaling the vertical cliff while dangerous uses less force than going the "gentler" way around
D. The distance covered is the same either way but scaling the cliff is harder cause you are working against gravity

Are you sure the distance covered is the same? Think of a right triangle. Which is longer -- the hypotenuse of the vertical line?

So the answer is B


The true statement is:

D. The distance covered is the same either way, but scaling the cliff is harder because you are working against gravity.

To understand this statement, let's break down the options and explain how to arrive at the correct answer:

a. You use more force for a given distance of movement on the walk than on the climb.
This statement implies that it takes more force to walk up the trail compared to scaling the cliff. However, in reality, climbing a sheer vertical cliff requires more force because you are essentially pulling your body up against gravity. Therefore, this statement is not true.

b. Walking up the trail forces you to cover a greater distance, but the amount of force needed to cover a given distance will be less.
This statement suggests that although walking up the trail involves covering a greater distance, the force required per unit distance is less. This is partially true, as walking up a trail that slopes gently upward requires less force than scaling a vertical cliff. However, the latter part of the statement, which implies that less force is needed to cover a given distance while walking, is not accurate. In reality, both methods of reaching the top would require the same distance covered, so the statement is not entirely true.

c. Scaling the vertical cliff while dangerous uses less force than going the "gentler" way around.
This statement incorrectly claims that scaling a vertical cliff uses less force than taking the gentler route. As explained earlier, scaling a sheer vertical cliff requires more force because you have to pull your body up against gravity. Therefore, this statement is not true.

d. The distance covered is the same either way, but scaling the cliff is harder because you are working against gravity.
This statement correctly acknowledges that the distance covered remains the same, regardless of the route taken. However, it correctly highlights that scaling the cliff is harder because you are working against gravity. This means you exert more force to overcome the gravitational pull when climbing a vertical cliff compared to walking up a trail. Thus, this statement is true.

So, the correct answer is D.