The three-part inequality a < x ¡Ü b means "a is less than x and x is less than or equal to b". Which of these inequalities is not satisfied by any real number x? Thanks!

(a) -5 < x less than or = to -11
(b) -8 < x less than or = to -7
(c) 0 < x less than or = to 4
(d) -2 < x less than or = to 6

You asked this once already. I see that you made the symbols clearer this time. My answer remains the same

I never asked this ? What was your answer?

To determine which of these inequalities is not satisfied by any real number x, we need to analyze each option:

(a) -5 < x ≤ -11
We can see that this inequality is not satisfied by any real number x because it contradicts itself. It states that x must be both greater than -5 and less than or equal to -11, which is not possible.

(b) -8 < x ≤ -7
This inequality is satisfied by any real number x that is greater than -8 and less than or equal to -7. So, it is a valid inequality.

(c) 0 < x ≤ 4
Similarly, this inequality is satisfied by any real number x that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 4. So, it is also a valid inequality.

(d) -2 < x ≤ 6
This inequality is satisfied by any real number x that is greater than -2 and less than or equal to 6. Therefore, it is a valid inequality.

In summary, the inequality that is not satisfied by any real number x is option (a) -5 < x ≤ -11.