Which of these can be determined from the structural formula of a molecule?

(Select all that apply)

the density of the molecule, because structural formulas display information about how closely atoms are arranged in a molecule

the bond type between the atoms, because structural formulas show the nature of the bonds between atoms

the types of atoms, because structural formulas show each atom using their different symbols from the periodic table

the number of atoms, because structural formulas display all the atoms in a molecule

A and D?

I agree with D but not A. density = mass/volume, You might use molar mass for the mass but structural formulas don't give the volume nor anything you guess about it. You can get volume for a gas but; however, structural formula doesn't tell which molecules are gas and which are not.

so it would be D and B correct?

I don't know what to tell you. Under some conditions B would be correct. Under some conditions C can be right. Of the two B is a better choice than C I think. In my opinion both B and C could be phrased differently and better.

The question is choose all that apply so I could choose B and C if I wanted to

You know best how to handle this. You're in the class, not me, and I don't know how the teacher operates. My personal opinion is that s/he could impove the wording so as not to be confusing.

Yes, A and D are correct. The density of a molecule cannot be directly determined from its structural formula because density depends on factors like molecular weight and packing arrangement, which are not represented in a structural formula. However, you can determine the types of atoms in a molecule from its structural formula since the structural formula shows each atom using their different symbols from the periodic table. Similarly, you can determine the number of atoms in a molecule because structural formulas display all the atoms present. Additionally, the bond type between atoms can be determined from the structural formula since it shows the nature of the bonds between atoms.