Explain one merit and one demerit of the fees must fall campaign in student fees in most higher education institutions

Briefly explain one merit of the Fees Must Fall Campaign in studies fees in most higher education institutions

Explain merit

The "Fees Must Fall" campaign, which began in South Africa in 2015 but has since spread to other countries, primarily focuses on calling for decreased higher education fees. While it is difficult to summarize the merits and demerits of such a complex and multifaceted movement in just one merit and one demerit, I will share one of each.

Merit: The Fees Must Fall campaign has played a crucial role in raising awareness about the significant financial barriers that students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds face when pursuing higher education. By highlighting the affordability issue, the campaign has brought the discussion of access to education to the forefront and pushed governments and institutions to address it. The movement has enabled students to demand more affordable education options and has mobilized wider public support for this cause.

To determine the merit, a person can analyze news articles, opinion pieces, and academic research about the campaign. They can also study the policies and reforms implemented as a result of the campaign. Interviews with campaigners, students, and policymakers provide valuable insights into the impact of the campaign on higher education accessibility.

Demerit: One of the main concerns regarding the Fees Must Fall campaign is that it often leads to disruptions in academic activities, including classes, examinations, and administrative operations. These disruptions can hinder the progress and completion of academic programs for students who do not actively participate in the campaign. Additionally, violent clashes and property damage that sometimes occur during protests can compromise the safety and security of students and faculty members.

To identify a demerit, one can examine media coverage of the campaign, including reports on the extent of disruptions caused by protests. It is important to seek diverse sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the campaign on educational institutions, students, and wider society.

It is essential to note that these are just examples of one merit and one demerit and that the Fees Must Fall campaign encompasses many other complexities and consequences. Understanding the campaign requires acknowledging and considering a variety of perspectives and experiences.