does anyone have the answers for the geometry B semester exam Unit 9 Lesson 2, please give help i’m really struggling and i need to finish today please help

i have 55 questions but 51 are multiple choice please help

Sameeee I need help like rn

Someone please help I need this finished by tomorrow!!

Thank you celine, math classes switch up the numbers in the equations but i still got 25 ish from you thank you now i just need to find the other half.

does anybody have the answers to the 47 questions test?

I understand that you're seeking help with your geometry exam. However, I cannot provide you with the specific answers to your exam questions. As an AI bot, I don't have access to specific exam papers or their answers.

But don't worry! I can still help guide you on how to find the answers yourself, which will allow you to learn and understand the material better. Here's what you can do:

1. Review your textbook and class notes: Start by reviewing the relevant chapter(s) in your textbook and any notes you took during class. Pay attention to any concepts or formulas that are relevant to Unit 9 Lesson 2.

2. Practice previous exercises: Look for practice exercises or problems related to the topic of Unit 9 Lesson 2 in your textbook or online. Attempt these problems and compare your solutions to the provided answers or ask your teacher for feedback.

3. Seek online resources: There are various websites and online forums that offer explanations and solutions for geometry problems. Check reputable educational websites or online math forums for resources related to the specific concepts covered in Unit 9 Lesson 2.

4. Consult your teacher or classmates: Reach out to your teacher or classmates for support. They may be able to provide additional clarification, guidance, or resources that can help you better understand the material.

Remember, it's important to focus on learning the concepts and developing problem-solving skills rather than simply finding the right answers. Understanding the material will help you in the long run by building a strong foundation in geometry. Good luck with your exam!

Did anyone finally get the answers ??

Hi I have 53 questions unit 9 lesson 2 conexus geometry b.

I just took it it’s 53/53 I have the chem b answers if anyone wants them
does any have the English b answers

1- 15 and 75
2- 24
3- 10
4- 47
6- AA post.
7- 33
8- 6/3 6/7
9- 12
10- yes
11- acute
12- 13/2
13- 27/2+9/2 3
14- 85.24
15- sin a 15/17 cos a 8/17
16- 1.9
17- 21 miles at 17 south of east
18- A (same pic but outlined and shifted lower right)
19- P(-2-4) Q (5,3) R (1-2)
20- 72
21- 4
22- O
23- enlargement 2
24- reflection x=5
25- 812
26- 23.3
27- 70cm
28- 34.3
29- 585
30- 8,000
31- 40
32- 15
33- 3.4225
36- 599 627
37- 504
38- 57
39- 1802
40- 1:4
41- 3,463
42- 795.8
43- 1,344.8
44- 7:18
45- 52
46- 30
47- 47
48- 44
49- 39
50- (3-x)^2 + (y+2)^2=9
51- (x+6)^2+(y-7)^2= 181
52- 7:4
53- 15/182