Briefly explain one merit and one demerit of the fees must fall campaign in student fees in most higher education institutions

explain one merit and one demerit of the fees must fall campaign in student fees in most higher education institutions

One merit

It easy

Merit: One merit of the Fees Must Fall campaign is that it brought attention to the issue of high student fees in higher education institutions. By demanding that fees be reduced or even eliminated, the campaign raised awareness about the financial barriers that many students face in accessing education. It also sparked important conversations about the affordability of higher education and the need for more inclusive and equitable systems.

Demerit: One demerit of the Fees Must Fall campaign is that it resulted in some violent protests and disruptions on campuses. While peaceful protests can be effective in advocating for change, certain incidents during the campaign escalated into violence, damaging property and endangering the safety of students and staff. This can detract from the message of the campaign and create animosity towards the movement. It is important for protest actions to remain within the bounds of peaceful and respectful dialogue to ensure a constructive outcome.