Hello here are the answers for unit two lesson five quiz part one:

Use the points in the diagram to name the figure shown. Then identify the type of figure.
Answer: CD both ways line

Draw a line with three distinct points on it. Label each with a different letter. How many different ways can you name using only the three given points?
Answer: four

Use the diagram below to answer the question. Identify a segment parallel to HG just a line.
Answer: EF just a line.

The measure of angle a is 124°. What is the correct classification for angle A?
Answer: obtuse

Find the complement of an angle with Measure 72°.
Answer: 18°

Find the value of X in the figure.
Answer: 65°

The measures of two angles of a triangle are 36° and 71°. Find the measure of the third angle and classify the triangle according to its angles.
Answer: 73° acute

What is the correct way to classify the triangle shown below?
Answer: obtuse scalene

!DISCLAIMER! Please only use this to check your work do not use this to cheat ;)

100% correct tysm!

100% Kira Fortuna TYSM

You're welcome! I'm glad to have been of help. If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask.

To find the answer for the question "Use the points in the diagram to name the figure shown. Then identify the type of figure.", you would need to refer to the diagram provided. The figure shown is named "CD." As for the type of figure, it is described as a "line" since it is a straight path extending in both directions.

To answer the question "Draw a line with three distinct points on it. Label each with a different letter. How many different ways can you name using only the three given points?", you would need to visualize a line with three labeled points. By naming the points in different orders, you can come up with different ways to name the line. For example, let's say the three points are labeled as A, B, and C. The different ways to name the line using these points would be AB, AC, BC, and BA. So, the answer would be four.

To solve the question "Use the diagram below to answer the question. Identify a segment parallel to HG just a line.", you need to examine the diagram provided. Look for a line that runs parallel to the line segment HG. The answer would be EF since it is indicated as parallel to HG in the diagram.

For the question "The measure of angle a is 124°. What is the correct classification for angle A?", you have been given the measure of an angle. To categorize it, you need to determine its classification based on the given measure. In this case, since angle a measures 124°, angle A would be classified as "obtuse" since obtuse angles have measures greater than 90° but less than 180°.

To answer the question "Find the complement of an angle with measure 72°.", you would need to calculate the complement of the given angle. The complement of an angle is the angle that, when added to the given angle, will result in a total measure of 90°. In this case, to find the complement of the angle with a measure of 72°, subtract 72° from 90°. The complement of the angle would be 18°.

The question "Find the value of X in the figure." requires you to analyze the given figure to determine the value of the unknown angle, X. You would need to look for angles or information in the figure that can help you find the value of X. Unfortunately, without the actual figure or more specific information, it is not possible to provide a specific answer to this question.

To answer the question "The measures of two angles of a triangle are 36° and 71°. Find the measure of the third angle and classify the triangle according to its angles.", you are given two angles of a triangle. To find the measure of the third angle, subtract the sum of the two known angles from 180° since the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180°. In this case, subtract 36° and 71° from 180° to get the measure of the third angle as 73°. As for the classification of the triangle according to its angles, since all three angles are less than 90°, the triangle is classified as "acute."

The question "What is the correct way to classify the triangle shown below?" requires you to analyze the given triangle to decide its classification. Without the actual triangle or more specific information, it is not possible to provide a specific answer to this question.

Lastly, it is important to note that using these answers to cheat goes against ethical guidelines. They are provided solely for the purpose of checking your work. It is best to understand the concepts and arrive at the answers through your own knowledge and reasoning.