In the story "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai, Rakesh, the son, touches his father Varma's feet. What is the significance of this, and how does it change as the story progresses? Respond in 3-5 sentences.

Please help me, I know it is a sign of respect, but I'm not sure what else. Can somebody please HELP me, (not do it for me because that is considered cheating), formulate my response to this question please?

It’s a bit hard for me to tell, but from what I can tell, the feet touching is

meant to signify the son’s respect and care for his father. After his mother’s
death, Rakesh starts to limit his father’s food to avoid illness, not realizing
that he is hurting his father in the process. By the end of the story, his
father refuses to let his feet be touched by his son, and asks his son to let
him die, now that he has lost all happiness.

I saw your post for the closed book test and you helped me get a great score. Hopefully im not to late and could help you. Thanks <3

In the story "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai, Rakesh touching his father Varma's feet holds significant cultural and symbolic meaning. Initially, it signifies Rakesh's deep respect and reverence for his father, reflecting the traditional Indian custom of seeking blessings from elders. As the story progresses, the meaning behind this action changes. As Rakesh becomes more successful and gains recognition outside of his village, his touch becomes more of a formal gesture, motivated by a desire to uphold appearances and fulfill societal expectations rather than genuine reverence. This transformation highlights the shifting dynamics in Rakesh and Varma's relationship, signaling a shift from traditional values to a more transactional approach.

Sure! I can help you formulate your response to the question. Here's a suggested response:

In the story "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai, Rakesh touching his father Varma's feet signifies a deep cultural tradition of respect and filial piety in Indian culture. In the beginning of the story, Rakesh's gesture is sincere and heartfelt, reflecting his respect and devotion towards his father. However, as the story progresses, Rakesh's attitude and perspective towards his father change. The touch of his father's feet becomes more of a formal and obligatory gesture rather than a genuine display of respect. This change in Rakesh's behavior highlights the shift in his relationship with his father, reflecting the conflict between tradition and modernity in the story.