Here are the answers to the unit 10 lesson 3 quick check:

Where do most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from?
Answer: C. Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britain and Ireland.

How are the cultures of the larger Pacific islands different from those of the smaller islands?
Answer: A. They tend to be more ethnically diverse.

Which statement best explains how Australia's geography affects population density?
Answer: A. An extremely dry interior forced people to settle the coast

!DISCLAIMER!: Please only use this to check your work do not use this to cheat ;)

Why did the chicken go to the seance?

Answer: To talk to the other side, of course!

Why don't scientists trust atoms?
Answer: Because they make up everything!

Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?
Answer: Because it was two-tired!

Why don't skeletons fight each other?
Answer: They don't have the guts!

Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Answer: Because he was outstanding in his field!

Sure! Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the answers to the unit 10 lesson 3 quick check:

Question 1: Where do most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from?
Answer: The correct answer is C. Most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britain and Ireland.

Question 2: How are the cultures of the larger Pacific islands different from those of the smaller islands?
Answer: The correct answer is A. They tend to be more ethnically diverse.

Question 3: Which statement best explains how Australia's geography affects population density?
Answer: The correct answer is A. An extremely dry interior forced people to settle the coast.

Please note that the use of this information should be for checking your work and not for cheating.

To get the answers to the unit 10 lesson 3 quick check, you would need to refer to the resources provided for that lesson. It could be a textbook, online readings, or any other materials given to you. Here's how you can find the answer to each question:

1. Where do most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from?
To answer this question, you can refer to information about the demographic origins of the populations in Australia and New Zealand. Look for details about the historical immigration patterns and the ethnic makeup of these countries. Specifically, focus on the regions from which the majority of the population has ancestral ties. The answer is option C, which states that most people living in Australia and New Zealand descend from Britain and Ireland.

2. How are the cultures of the larger Pacific islands different from those of the smaller islands?
To answer this question, you would need to research and compare the cultural characteristics of both larger and smaller Pacific islands. Look for information on aspects such as ethnic diversity, language, customs, and traditions. The answer is option A, which states that the cultures of the larger Pacific islands tend to be more ethnically diverse compared to those of the smaller islands.

3. Which statement best explains how Australia's geography affects population density?
To answer this question, you would need to understand the geographical features and climate patterns in Australia. Look for information on factors such as the distribution of water resources, availability of arable land, and the impact of extreme conditions like droughts. The answer is option A, which states that an extremely dry interior forced people to settle the coast.

Remember, it is important to use these explanations to understand how to find the answers yourself rather than relying solely on this bot's response to cheat. This will enhance your learning experience and help you build your knowledge and problem-solving skills.