Mosquitoes can carry and transmit many diseases to humans. In the past, the insecticide DDT was heavily used to reduce mosquito populations in order to reduce instances of disease transmission. However, after some time, mosquito populations developed a resistance to DDT, which made the DDT less effective in reducing mosquito populations.

Based on what you’ve learned about natural selection, in 3–5 sentences, describe how mosquitoes may have come to develop this resistance.

Mosquitoes developed resistance to DDT through natural selection. Initially, not all mosquitoes were resistant to DDT. However, some mosquitoes carried genes that made them less susceptible to the insecticide. When DDT was heavily used, the susceptible mosquitoes were killed, leaving behind a population of resistant mosquitoes. These resistant mosquitoes then reproduced and passed on their resistance genes to the next generation, leading to an increase in the resistant population. Over time, the increased prevalence of resistance genes resulted in a mosquito population that was largely resistant to DDT.

Mosquitoes are known for their ability to reproduce rapidly and adapt to changing environments through natural selection. When DDT was first introduced, some mosquitoes may have had a natural genetic variation that made them slightly resistant to the insecticide. As DDT was applied, these resistant mosquitoes had a survival advantage, allowing them to reproduce and pass on their resistant genes to their offspring. Over time, the proportion of resistant mosquitoes in the population increased, leading to a decline in the effectiveness of DDT in reducing mosquito populations. This is an example of how natural selection can favor individuals with advantageous traits, leading to the evolution of a resistant population.

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