1. Which two sorting algorithms typically involve recursion? (1 point)

insertion sort and quick sort
bubble sort and merge sort
merge sort and quick sort
insertion sort and bubble sort
I think it is merge sort and quick sort because the implementation of merge sort is recursive and the quick sort algorithm is recursively applied.

1. Which two sorting algorithms typically involve recursion?

Merge Sort and Quick Sort
2. Which sorting algorithm continuously divides an array into halves until single...
Merge Sort
3. A poker player is dealt a hand of cards that has...
Insertion Sort
4. Ten people are standing in a line, waiting to be sorted...
quick sort
5. An algorithm is designed to work on an array by starting...
bubble sort
6. What is the average-case time complexity of quick sort?
O (n log n)
7. What is the worst-case time complexity of bubble sort?
O (n^2)
8. What is the average-case time complexity of merge sort?
O (n log n)
9. What is the average-case time complexity of insertion sort?
O (n^2)
10. A programmer creates an algorith that sorts an array. It works...
O (n^2)


You are correct! Merge sort and quick sort are the two sorting algorithms that typically involve recursion.

To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept of recursion: Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself to solve a smaller version of the original problem.

2. Familiarize yourself with the different sorting algorithms: Sorting algorithms are methods used to rearrange an array or list of elements in a specific order.

3. Examine the available options: The given options are insertion sort, bubble sort, merge sort, and quick sort.

4. Identify recursion in sorting algorithms: Look for sorting algorithms that use recursion. In this case, both merge sort and quick sort implement recursion.

5. Determine the correct answer: Merge sort and quick sort are the algorithms that involve recursion. Therefore, the correct answer is "merge sort and quick sort."