I need loads of info on why slavery is wrong. It must say why making people live in harsh conditions is wrong aswell.

The issue is really can people be property. And related to that is the concept of freedom.

You can apply these concepts to economic slavery (stuck in the same job, no future) as well as political slavery.

We will be happy to critique your thinking.

What information do you have so far?

These sites may help you.



Slavery is a deeply unethical and morally wrong practice that has been widely condemned by humanity. It involves the ownership and control of individuals, treating them as mere property rather than recognizing and respecting their inherent dignity and rights as human beings.

There are several reasons why slavery is considered wrong:

1. Violation of basic human rights: Slavery deprives individuals of their fundamental rights and freedoms, such as the right to life, liberty, and security of person. It is a form of forced labor, where individuals are coerced and dominated against their will, leading to their dehumanization and loss of autonomy.

2. Inherent inequality: Slavery creates an immense power imbalance between the slaveholder and the enslaved person. It reinforces a system of oppression and exploitation, where individuals are treated as chattel and subjected to physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. This stark inequality disregards the principle of equal worth and equal treatment for all human beings.

3. Violation of human dignity: Slavery reduces individuals to mere property, denying them the respect, value, and dignity that every person deserves. It treats human beings as objects to be bought, sold, and treated as commodities, stripping them of their inherent worth and denying their agency.

4. Harsh living conditions: Slavery often involves subjecting individuals to harsh and inhumane living conditions. Enslaved people are frequently forced to endure long hours of labor, often under brutal and dangerous circumstances. They are often denied proper nutrition, healthcare, and decent living conditions, resulting in physical and mental suffering.

To understand more about the negative impacts of slavery and why harsh living conditions are wrong, you can explore various resources such as historical accounts, academic research, and testimonies from survivors. Books like "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" by Frederick Douglass and "12 Years a Slave" by Solomon Northup provide firsthand narratives that shed light on the experiences and conditions of slavery.

Additionally, researching reputable human rights organizations, UNESCO, or the United Nations can provide extensive documentation and studies on the human rights violations and harmful consequences of slavery and harsh living conditions.

Remember, it is essential to respect and acknowledge the experiences and voices of those who have suffered under slavery and contribute to efforts aimed at promoting equality, justice, and human rights for all.