WHat branches of science fall under the environmental science umbrella?

Go to Wikepedia...very good article on environmental science...they list sub-categories.

Depending upon what is being investigated, there are many; such as chemistry, biology, microbiology, engineering, oceanography, etc. You should be aware, however, that many of those branches will tell you that environmental science is actually just an extension of "their" field; for example, I know a number of chemists working on research projects that are environmental problems. And most of those chemists have been working on environmental problems for years.

The field of environmental science is interdisciplinary, meaning it encompasses various branches of science. Some of the branches that fall under the environmental science umbrella include:

1. Ecology: This branch focuses on the study of interactions between organisms and their environment, including the relationships between living organisms and their physical surroundings.

2. Biology: Biological science plays a significant role in environmental science, as it involves the study of living organisms and their behavior, physiology, and distribution in relation to environmental factors.

3. Chemistry: Chemistry is crucial in understanding the chemical composition and interactions in the environment, including the study of pollution sources, chemical reactions, and toxicology.

4. Geology: Geology helps in understanding the Earth's structure, formation, and processes that shape the environment. It involves studying rocks, minerals, and natural resources, as well as phenomena such as erosion and geological hazards.

5. Atmospheric Science: This branch focuses on the study of Earth's atmosphere, including weather patterns, climate change, and the impact of air pollution on human health and ecosystems.

6. Physics: Physics contributes to environmental science by examining energy and radiation transfer, as well as the physical processes influencing the Earth's systems, such as the water cycle and climate dynamics.

7. Hydrology: Hydrology is the study of water in the environment, including its quantity, distribution, and quality in rivers, lakes, groundwater, and the atmosphere.

8. Soil Science: Soil science involves studying the composition, formation, and properties of soils. It plays a crucial role in understanding soil fertility, erosion, pollution, and land management.

9. Environmental Engineering: Environmental engineers focus on applying engineering principles to address and solve environmental challenges, such as air and water pollution, waste management, and sustainable design.

10. Environmental Microbiology: This branch investigates the interactions between microorganisms and the environment. It examines the role of microorganisms in processes such as nutrient cycling, decomposition, and the degradation of pollutants.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other sub-disciplines within environmental science. Exploring further using reputable sources like Wikipedia, scientific journals, and textbooks can provide more comprehensive information on each branch and their specific focuses within environmental science.