For every magazine Tommy sells, he gets $1.75 as commission. He gets an additional $1.50 for every 8 magazine sold. How many magazines did Tommy sell if he earned $50 in commission?

assuming he only makes the $1.50 every time a multiple of 8 magazines is sold, that is he gets it on the sale of the 8th, 16th, etc. ... zines, then if he sells x magazines,

1.75x + 1.50⌊(x-1)/8⌋ = 50
x = 26
$1.75 * 26 = $45.50
$1.50 * 3 = $4.50
does that make $50? yes.

To determine the number of magazines Tommy sold, we need to break down the information provided.

Let's assume x represents the total number of magazines Tommy sold.

For each magazine sold, Tommy receives $1.75 as commission. Hence, the commission earned from selling x magazines is 1.75x.

Additionally, Tommy earns an extra $1.50 for every 8 magazines sold. We can calculate the number of times this extra bonus is earned by dividing the total number of magazines sold by 8. So, the number of times Tommy earned the bonus is x/8.

For each bonus, he receives $1.50. So, the total bonus earned is 1.50 * (x/8), which can be simplified to 0.1875x.

Given that Tommy earned a total of $50 in commission, we can set up the following equation:

1.75x + 0.1875x = 50

Combining like terms, we get:

1.9375x = 50

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 1.9375:

x = 50 / 1.9375

Calculating this expression gives us:

x = 25.81

Since Tommy cannot sell a fraction of a magazine, we can conclude that Tommy sold 25 magazines to earn $50 in commission.