Give recent (2019-2020) examples of how this problem of GBV has displayed itself in your community

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Life orientation answers

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to specific local community information or events. However, to identify recent examples of gender-based violence (GBV) in your community, I suggest following these steps:

1. Stay Informed: Keep up with the news, both local and national, as they often cover incidents of GBV. This can include newspaper articles, online news platforms, or local news channels.

2. Engage with Local Organizations: Reach out to organizations in your community that work on issues related to GBV, such as women's rights organizations, gender-focused NGOs, or local community centers. They might have information about recent incidents or campaigns against GBV.

3. Online Social Media Groups and Forums: Participate in online groups or forums, particularly those focused on your community or specific social issues. These platforms can be a source of information, discussions, and often highlight local incidents or activism related to GBV.

4. Community Events and Meetings: Stay connected with community events, public meetings, or workshops related to gender equality and violence prevention. These gatherings often provide valuable insights regarding recent incidents and the work being done to address GBV.

Remember, GBV is a highly sensitive issue, and confidentiality and privacy of survivors should always be respected. Sharing information about incidents should be done responsibly and ethically, prioritizing the safety and well-being of survivors.

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