Which word has a stronger connotation than the word mad? (1 point)





I was going to put the whole test questions in but I'm too lazy lol can someone help me fast I'm going to get whooped if I don't get this done :( PLEASE put the whole test answers in and PLEASE do not put ABCs because the answers are in different orders for everyone!

I found the answers for anyone that hasn't

1 Furious
2 Word Choice
3 The prejudice or opinion that authors may put into their writing
4 By presenting facts and data without including an opinion
5 Pronouns
6 Ours
7 The perspective a story is told from
8 Timeline of the dig's progress, a map of the dig site
9 A written version
10 Dramatic Play
11 Sad
hope this helps

Hey so I only have 6 questions and here my answers

2.word choice
3. A timeline of the digs progress,a map of the dig site
4.A written version
5.Dramatic play
Sorry but six is a personal question so you have to do it but good luck :)

OK IM DONE I HOPE THIS HELPS. I think using a movie clip of a war scene would not be accurate because they are just reenacting what they thought happened. Also, the person he is interviewing wasn't even in the war so he might not have much information. He could replace those sources with a book written from a soldier who was in the war. He could also use old newspaper articles about the war.

Ok I will post them one at a time here is the first one.

The passages are similar because they have the same subject, they both want to save the ocean and sea life. They are different on how the passage was written the first one is more child-like and is in my opinion more fun to read. The second one is more factual and formal, and it doesn't include opinion about the subject. Although the first one is more fun to read, I would use the second paragraph because it talks more about the subject. It just cuts to the point instead of talking about how cute animals are.

When you read a story there is a lot more details. In a film you can't fit all those details in, or it would be too long. Some similarities are they will have the same characters and names. They will also have the same plot and theme.

Whats MICA

Which word has a stronger connotation than the word mad?

I'll post my written answers in like 15-20 minutes


Are thoughs the answer