Male Female total

Likes Math 62 51 113
Dislikes Math 54 35 89
Total 116 86 202
Choose all that are correct. Click once to choose an answer. Click again to change your answer.

✨The marginal frequencies on the table are 113, 89, 86, 116.✨
✨The joint frequencies on the table are 62, 35, 54, and 51.✨
✨To find the whole table relative frequency of males who like math, divide the number of males who like math by 202.✨
The whole table relative frequency of females who dislike math is 51/86.
✨The whole table relative frequency of males who dislike math is 26.7%.✨

A, B, D
All of them but C

Thanks I needed this lol

correction: ABCE

All of them but D

me too thanks

it was all correct :D

oop I missed that thanks!

I cant edit it...

To answer this question, let's analyze each statement:

1. The marginal frequencies on the table are 113, 89, 86, 116.
To find the marginal frequencies, you simply need to add up the row or column totals. In this case, adding up the row totals gives us 113 for "Likes Math" and 89 for "Dislikes Math." Adding up the column totals gives us 86 for "Female" and 116 for "Male." Therefore, the statement is correct.

2. The joint frequencies on the table are 62, 35, 54, and 51.
The joint frequencies represent the values in the cells of the table. In this case, the frequencies for "Male Likes Math," "Female Likes Math," "Male Dislikes Math," and "Female Dislikes Math" are 62, 51, 54, and 35, respectively. Therefore, the statement is correct.

3. To find the whole table relative frequency of males who like math, divide the number of males who like math by 202.
To find the relative frequency, you need to divide the frequency of interest by the total frequency. In this case, the relative frequency of males who like math would be 62 divided by 202. Therefore, the statement is correct.

4. The whole table relative frequency of females who dislike math is 51/86.
To find the relative frequency of females who dislike math, you need to divide the frequency of females who dislike math by the total frequency of females. In this case, the frequency of females who dislike math is 35, and the total frequency of females is 86. Therefore, the statement is correct.

5. The whole table relative frequency of males who dislike math is 26.7%.
To find the relative frequency of males who dislike math, you need to divide the frequency of males who dislike math by the total frequency of males. In this case, the frequency of males who dislike math is 54, and the total frequency of males is 116. When you divide 54 by 116 and multiply by 100 to convert it to a percentage, you get approximately 46.5%. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.

Based on this analysis, statements A, B, D are correct, and statement C is incorrect. Therefore, the correct answer is "All of them but C."