11. A pharmaceutical company wants to extract an ingredient from pomace supplied by a certain food processing plant. Which process is the most efficient with the lowest environmental impact?(1 point)

high pressure, high temperature water extraction

catalyst extraction

enzyme extraction****

organic solvent extraction

12. Which option is a modern reason for optimizing the mining process?(1 point)

increasing production efficiency

reducing waste

reducing environmental impact****

increasing profits

To determine the most efficient and environmentally friendly process for extracting an ingredient from pomace, we need to evaluate each option.

11. A high pressure, high temperature water extraction process involves using water under high pressure and temperature to extract the desired ingredient from the pomace. This process can be efficient but may have a higher environmental impact due to the energy required to generate the high pressure and temperature.

Catalyst extraction involves using a catalyst to facilitate the extraction process. While this process may be efficient, it could potentially have environmental consequences depending on the specific catalyst used.

Enzyme extraction is considered the most efficient and environmentally friendly process in this scenario. Enzymes are biological catalysts that can break down the desired ingredient in a specific and efficient manner. This process is typically more sustainable and has a lower environmental impact compared to other extraction methods.

Organic solvent extraction involves using solvents to extract the ingredient from the pomace. This process can be effective but usually requires the use of potentially harmful solvents, which can have negative environmental impacts.

Therefore, the most efficient and environmentally friendly extraction process for the pharmaceutical company would be enzyme extraction.

12. Optimizing the mining process can have various goals, including increasing production efficiency, reducing waste, reducing environmental impact, and increasing profits. However, in the context of a modern approach, the focus is often on reducing environmental impact.

Mining operations have historically been associated with significant environmental impacts, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, and carbon emissions. Modern optimization strategies aim to minimize these impacts by focusing on sustainability, utilizing advanced technologies, and implementing responsible mining practices.

By reducing the environmental impact of mining processes, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices, comply with regulations, and improve their reputation. Ultimately, reducing environmental impact is a critical aspect of modern mining optimization.