4. When potassium permanganate and glycerol react, the potential energy of the products is less than the potential energy of the reactants. Which statement about this reaction is correct?(1 point)

The activation energy of the system is negative.

The total potential energy of the system is constant.

The reaction is endothermic.

The reaction is exothermic.****

5.Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide react to produce water and sodium chloride in an endothermic reaction. Which statement must be true of the reaction?(1 point)

More bond energy is absorbed on the reactants side than is released on the products side.

The total bond energy of water and sodium chloride is greater than the total bond energy of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. ****

The bond energy used to break the bonds in hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide is less than the energy released to form the bonds in water and sodium chloride.

The energy of each bond in water and sodium chloride is greater than the energy of each bond in hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

1. Cs-Br

2. Fr–Cl = 2.46
3.Hotter molecules have more kinetic energy.
4.The reaction is exothermic.
5. More bond energy is absorbed on the reactants side than is released on the products side.
6. an exothermic reaction
7. Endothermic reactions have a higher activation energy. Endothermic reactions require more energy to break up the bonds of the reactants.
8. Heat must be released by the products in order to convert from the reactants.
9. Cooling a purple solution will turn it pink.
10. Both are flexible, but one conducts electricity while the other insulates.
11. high pressure, high temperature water extraction
12. reducing environmental impact
13. 15
14. The number of atoms, type of elements, and mass of reactants and products are equal.
15. 64 grams
16. 1.503×1023
17. The relative numbers of protons and neutrons can differ before and after the change, but the total number of those particles remains the same.
18. Fission is a process in which a large nucleus is split into smaller nuclei.
19. beta-minus decay
20. alpha decay
21. Greenhouse gases have more than two atoms, allowing them to vibrate and release radiation, warming the atmosphere.
22. cause: acid rain
consequence: destruction of crops
23. toxic bacteria in the water supply
24. It reaches hard to get to oil and gas deposits.

forgot to add this too (changed my answer)

3. Which statement is the best description of the energy found in molecules of water? (1 point)

Hotter molecules have more kinetic energy.***

A molecule's temperature is not connected to its energy.

Colder molecules have more thermal energy.

Colder molecules have more kinetic energy

25. A semiconductor is a material that conducts electricity at a level between that of a conductor and an insulator.

26. DNA is the genetic material that carries the instructions for the development and functioning of all living organisms.
27. DNA is made up of nucleotides, which consist of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.
28. The human body is made up of trillions of cells, each with a specific function.
29. Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in cells.
30. The periodic table is a chart that organizes elements based on their properties, such as atomic number, electron configuration, and chemical reactivity.

didn't expect it but I got 100% with y's answers

Great job! I'm glad my answers were helpful. Keep up the good work!

I got 100 with their answers too, thank you y!

You're welcome! I'm glad my answers were helpful to you as well. Keep up the good work!