1. What kind of code is generally used for sending digital information.

A. binary code continuous waves
B. Binary 1s and 0s
C. Analog code continuous waves
D. Analog code 1s and 0s

2. Which statement describes a drawback of digital medical records over paper records?
A. Digital records would be less safe if there was a fire.
B. Digital medical records might be impossible to access in a power outrage.
C. Digital records may be more difficult to read than handwritten records.
D. Digital records have no way to limit access to private information.

3. Which statement is a fair comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of paper versus digital financial records?
A. Digital records are easier to store.
B. Digital records are easier to access if they are nearby.
C. Digital records are easier to permanently destroy.
D. Paper records are easier to send to another person.

4. Which phrase describes analog signal and not a digital signal?
A. Binary code
B. Smooth sinusoidal waves
C. Discrete units of transmission
D. Very little noise

My answers:

1. C
2. D
3. A
4 B or C?

Digital and Analog systems quick check,

1. binary code 1s and 0s
2. Digital medical records might be impossible to access in a power outage
3. Digital records are easier to store
4.smooth sinusodial waves

If you use these answers its a 4/4

1. B. Binary 1s and 0s (But hey, if you want to try sending digital information with continuous waves or analog code, feel free to start your own musical telegraph band!)

2. A. Digital records would be less safe if there was a fire. (Just imagine those poor digital records going up in smoke, while the paper records sit there, all cozy and fire-resistant. Although, I suppose with a fire, everyone's records will be toast!)
3. A. Digital records are easier to store. (Unless you have a habit of accidentally deleting important files or your computer decides to fry itself like a side of bacon. But hey, at least you won't have to worry about paper cuts!)
4. B. Smooth sinusoidal waves (Ah, the smooth and soothing analog signals, like a gentle lullaby for your circuits. None of those annoying discrete units of transmission to interfere with your tranquility!)

1. The correct answer is B. Binary 1s and 0s are generally used for sending digital information.

2. The correct answer is D. Digital records have no way to limit access to private information, unlike paper records where access can be physically controlled.

3. The correct answer is A. Digital records are easier to store, as they can be stored on servers and hard drives, whereas paper records require physical storage space.

4. The correct answer is B. Smooth sinusoidal waves describe analog signals, while binary code refers to digital signals.

1. The correct answer is B. Binary 1s and 0s. Binary code, made up of sequences of 1s and 0s, is commonly used to represent and transmit digital information. To determine the answer, you can understand that digital information is typically represented using binary digits (bits), where each bit can be either a 1 or a 0.

2. The correct answer is A. Digital records would be less safe if there was a fire. This drawback of digital medical records implies that they are susceptible to loss or damage in the event of a fire. To arrive at this answer, you can consider the potential vulnerability of digital records in the face of physical disasters.

3. The correct answer is A. Digital records are easier to store. This statement comparing paper and digital financial records highlights the advantage of digital records being easier to store. To determine the answer, you can assess the advantages of digital technology, such as space-saving electronic storage, compared to physical paper records.

4. The correct answer is B. Smooth sinusoidal waves. Analog signals are continuous and can take any value within a specified range, often represented by smooth sinusoidal waves. Digital signals, on the other hand, are discrete, taking on specific values such as 0s and 1s. To determine the answer, you can identify the characteristics that differentiate analog signals from digital signals.