Miguel's irrigation tank for his large garden had 15.5 gallons of water before he began to fill it at a

rate of 1.4 gallons per minute.
Alejandro checked his irrigation tank and found it contained 45.5 gallons, before he began draining
his tank at a rate of 0.6 gallons per minute.
After how many minutes will the two irrigation water tanks have the same amount of water?

Only at the end do you tell us that there are two tanks.

first tank :
amount = 15.5 + 1.4t , where t is in minutes

2nd tank:
amount = 45.5 - .6t

we want 1st tank = 2nd tank
15.5 + 1.4t = 45.5 - .6t
.8t = 30
t = 30/.8 = 37.5

state the conclusion

I’m ready to go home now 🥲

Sorry I know this odens have to do with anything lol

Doesnt* ok bye

To find out after how many minutes the two irrigation water tanks will have the same amount of water, we can set up an equation. Let's assume that after 'x' minutes, the amount of water in both tanks will be equal.

For Miguel's tank, the amount of water after 'x' minutes can be found using the equation:
Water in Miguel's tank = Initial amount + (Rate of filling * Time)
Water in Miguel's tank = 15.5 + (1.4 * x)

For Alejandro's tank, the amount of water after 'x' minutes can be found using the equation:
Water in Alejandro's tank = Initial amount - (Rate of draining * Time)
Water in Alejandro's tank = 45.5 - (0.6 * x)

Now, we set these two equations equal to each other and solve for 'x':
15.5 + (1.4 * x) = 45.5 - (0.6 * x)

Let's simplify the equation:
1.4 * x + 0.6 * x = 45.5 - 15.5
2 * x = 30
x = 30 / 2
x = 15

Therefore, after 15 minutes, both tanks will have the same amount of water.