The paddle boat rental company charges a reservation fee of $8.25 plus $9.50 per hour to rent a paddle boat. Amanda says the algebraic expression 8.25p + 9.50n represents the total cost of renting p paddle boats for n hours.

Which statement is true?

A. Amanda’s expression is correct.

B. Amanda’s expression is incorrect. The expression 8.25n + 9.50p represents the total cost of renting p paddle boats for n hours.

C. Amanda’s expression is incorrect. The expression n(8.25 + 9.50p) represents the total cost of renting p paddle boats for n hours.

D. Amanda’s expression is incorrect. The expression p(8.25 + 9.50n) represents the total cost of renting p paddle boats for n hours.

I think the answer is either C or D but I'm not sure, plz help

oh nvm, I literally just turned in the test, for anyone who needs the answer to this question, the answer is D, have a nice day or night😊.

I agree with D. Glad you chose it.

To determine which statement is true, we can break down the given information and form the correct algebraic expression.

The given information states that the paddle boat rental company charges a reservation fee of $8.25 plus $9.50 per hour to rent a paddle boat.

Let's analyze the expression 8.25p + 9.50n:
- The term 8.25p implies that $8.25 is multiplied by the number of paddle boats rented, p.
- The term 9.50n implies that $9.50 is multiplied by the number of hours rented, n.

The correct algebraic expression should include the multiplication of the number of paddle boats by the reservation fee and the multiplication of the number of hours by the cost per hour.

Considering this, the correct expression is p(8.25 + 9.50n) since the reservation fee applies once per paddle boat (p) and the cost of rental per hour (9.50) is multiplied by the number of hours (n).

Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. Amanda’s expression is incorrect. The expression p(8.25 + 9.50n) represents the total cost of renting p paddle boats for n hours.