~The history of the U.S. can be seen as a struggle- not always successful- for rights. How can this theme be seen from the time of the American Revolution to the present?~

Does anyone have ideas about what I could write about besides stuff like the Civil Rights movement, campaign for women's rights, Japanese camps during WWII, and suffrage of women and other minorities, etc.?

you might look at the development of the "rights of the accused". An example would be the inclusion of the Miranda Law. There is other legislation which has clarified the 5th Amendment.

When exploring the theme of struggle for rights in the history of the United States, there are indeed several significant events and movements beyond the Civil Rights movement, women's rights, Japanese internment camps, and suffrage that you can consider. One area worth exploring is the development of the "rights of the accused" throughout history.

The concept of protecting the rights of individuals accused of crimes has seen a progression in the United States since the American Revolution. One notable example is the inclusion of the Miranda Law, which emerged as a result of the landmark Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona in 1966. This case led to the establishment of the now-familiar Miranda rights, which include the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and the warning that anything one says can be used against them in a court of law. Exploring the history and impact of this law can provide valuable insight into how the struggle for rights has evolved over time.

Additionally, you can delve into other legislation and court cases that have clarified and expanded upon the rights of the accused as protected by the Fifth Amendment. For instance, you could examine the development of laws and court decisions that address issues such as search and seizure, self-incrimination, due process, and the right to a fair trial. Analyzing how these rights have been debated, challenged, and sometimes strengthened throughout history can shed light on the ongoing struggle for civil liberties and individual rights in the United States.

Remember to conduct thorough research on these topics to provide a comprehensive understanding of how the struggle for rights has unfolded over time in the United States. By examining the development of the rights of the accused, you will be able to offer a fresh perspective on this enduring theme in U.S. history.