Why did Oedipus gouge his eyes out?

Oedipus gouged his eyes out as a form of self-punishment after learning the horrifying truth about his own identity and actions. To understand why he did this, we need to delve into the story of Oedipus Rex, a famous Greek tragedy written by Sophocles.

In the play, Oedipus was destined by the gods to kill his father and marry his mother. Unaware of his true identity, Oedipus tried to avoid the prophecy by leaving his adopted parents to prevent harming them. However, fate intervened, and Oedipus unknowingly killed his real father, King Laius, during a heated altercation on the road.

Later, Oedipus arrived in the city of Thebes and solved the riddle of the Sphinx, earning him the throne as the king of Thebes and the hand of Queen Jocasta, his real mother. Eventually, a series of events unfolded, leading to the revelation of Oedipus's true identity and the realization of the horrific crimes he had unknowingly committed.

When the truth was finally exposed, Oedipus became overwhelmed with guilt, shame, and a profound sense of responsibility for his actions, which included parricide and incest. This crushing burden was further intensified by his obsession with wanting to punish himself for bringing such calamity upon himself and those around him.

With an overwhelming desire to atone for his sins and escape from the darkness of his existence, Oedipus chose to blind himself by gouging out his eyes. By taking away his vision, he sought to symbolically punish himself, depriving himself of the ability to see and forcing himself to confront his own deeds and their consequences.

The act of blinding himself represented a self-imposed exile from the world and a physical manifestation of the inner torment and despair Oedipus felt. It was a drastic act of penance, not only to absolve himself but also to prevent himself from ever seeing the world again, a world he believed he had tainted.

Overall, the act of Oedipus gouging his eyes out was an extreme and tragic response to his realization of the horrifying truth of his identity and his desperate need to punish himself for his past actions.