
I have to use the property of exponents to rewrite the expression.
I'm just asking if -3^6 is right.
(we don't have to solve it--just simplify it)
Thank you!

multiply the (-4m^3) by (2m+m^2)

= -8m^4 - 4m^5

that's all
I can't even see what you did wrong to get -3^6
what happened to your m's ?

If i have two base variables with exponents for example:

After getting x^2-would i have just ONE variable base?
i.e. 4(3x^2)
or place the exponent on BOTH variable bases like this:

whoops, meant to post that as a question. just...disreagard that last comment please, and Thanks Reiny. Sorry-it's a very late Monday for me.

To simplify the expression (-4m^3)(2m+m^2), we can start by using the distributive property to multiply each term inside the parentheses by -4m^3:

(-4m^3)(2m) + (-4m^3)(m^2)

Next, we can simplify each term separately.

For the first term (-4m^3)(2m), we can multiply the coefficients (-4)(2) to get -8, and we can add the exponents of m (m * m^1 = m^2). So the first term simplifies to -8m^4.

For the second term (-4m^3)(m^2), we multiply the coefficients (-4)(1) to get -4, and we add the exponents of m (m^3 * m^2 = m^5). So the second term simplifies to -4m^5.

Therefore, the simplified expression is -8m^4 - 4m^5.

Regarding your second question, -3^6 is not equal to -729. The exponent 6 applies only to the number 3, not the negative sign. So to correctly evaluate (-3)^6, you need to raise -3 to the power of 6, which gives us -3*-3*-3*-3*-3*-3 = 729.

Hope this helps!