The purpose of a speech about the role of drummers in the Revolutionary War is to share information. Which kind of sentences would you most expect to hear in this speech?(1 point)





How do great speeches usually begin?(1 point)

as long texts

as written essays

as someone else's idea

as class discussions

Write 1-2 sentences describing what a collaborative discussion looks like and what happens when you share ideas in a collaborative discussion.(2 points)

Why is it a good idea to keep track of the sources you use while investigating answers to your questions?(1 point)

so you can easily refer back to them

so you can have more notes

so you can reread all the texts you cited

so your arguments are clear

How should you respond to diverse perspectives during a collaborative discussion?(1 point)





A comment on a topic during a collaborative discussion is called(1 point)


an attitude.


an observation

What is the method of discussion called in which you cooperatively work together with another person or group?(1 point)





In a debate, a student claims that too much time spent online has reduced people's attention spans. Which of the following could be evidence to support this claim?(1 point)

quotes from a blog essay that focus on how people are not paying attention to their surroundings anymore

a description of the student’s own observations of people spending time online

a summary of a book from 1998 that is on the topic of how people focus

results from a scientific study done on human attention span over the course of the past two years

Jamal wants to make sure he clearly communicates his thoughts and opinions in his next collaborative discussion. What are some ways he can do this? Select two answers.(1 point)

He should stand up when he wants to talk.

He should pronounce his words clearly.

He should only read directly from his notes.

He should make eye contact with the audience.

What are statements that help the audience imagine events, objects, people, or characters?(1 point)




main ideas

1. declarative

2. written essays
3. Do it ur self I know you can! you can easily refer back to them
5.respectfully observation
8.results from a scientific study done on human attention span over the course of the past two years results from a scientific study done on human attention span over the course of the past two years
9.He should make eye contact with the audience. and He should pronounce his words clearly.
10. descriptions


"You can be Alice I'll be the mad hatter."

btw that is me i forgot to put my name.

I just need the answers.

Bruh that's cuz your teacher didn't grade number 3 yet

I guess he isn't going to tell us his answers? lol.

Anonymous is 100% correct

Ur welcome you guys!!!!! Always glad to help! <3

Are they correct?

TYSM anonymous

anonymous is correct