15.) Analyze the graph and identify some factors that may contribute to the rotifer population leveling off in the absence of water fleas. Explain your answer in 1–2 sentences.


To analyze the graph and identify factors contributing to the leveling off of the rotifer population, follow these steps:

1. Start by examining the graph and noting any patterns or trends.
2. Look for any significant changes or trends in the data before and after the leveling off of the rotifer population.
3. Consider the environmental factors that could be influencing the rotifer population, such as resource availability, predation, competition, or habitat conditions.
4. Assess whether any of these factors have changed or become limited in the absence of water fleas, which could explain the leveling off of the rotifer population.

Without further information or the actual graph, it is challenging to provide a specific answer, but these steps will help you analyze the graph and identify potential contributing factors.