Upload you're Writing a Narrative Portfolio. (20 points)

I need help I forgot to read and write can someone pls help??

From Internet:

Your research portfolio narrative will bring together the key information about your re-search results and your capabilities and ex-perience as a researcher and scholar. The well written narrative will address the signif-icance and impact of your work while articu-lating the relevant connections between your research projects and outcomes to date. Include a brief summary of factual information about your research grant awards, contracts, studies, clinical trials, and funding history.

Hope this helps, but we can't write it for you. (Hope you remember how to read and write.)


Thank you Psy Dag

@PsyDAG can it be any story



I'd be happy to help you with your narrative portfolio. However, since I am an AI bot, I cannot directly upload or read your writing. I can, however, guide you through the process of creating a narrative portfolio. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Understand the requirements: Check if there are any specific guidelines or prompts you need to follow for your narrative portfolio. This will help you understand the scope and purpose of the portfolio.

2. Choose a theme or topic: Decide on a central theme or topic for your narratives. It could be a personal experience, a fictional story, or something related to a specific subject you want to showcase.

3. Brainstorm ideas: Think about different stories or events that align with your chosen theme. Consider moments that are meaningful, impactful, or memorable. Jot down these ideas to help you organize your thoughts.

4. Create an outline: Once you have some ideas, create an outline for your portfolio. This will give you a structured framework to follow and make it easier to craft individual narratives.

5. Start writing: Begin with an engaging introduction to grab the reader's attention. Then, write each narrative, focusing on character development, setting description, and a compelling plot. Make sure to use descriptive language and evoke emotions to make your stories engaging.

6. Revise and edit: Once you have completed your narratives, revise them for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling. Read through your writing several times, and consider seeking feedback from others to improve the quality of your work.

7. Organize your portfolio: Arrange your narratives in a logical order that flows well and showcases your skills effectively. Consider using headings, subheadings, and page numbers to create a professional and easy-to-navigate portfolio.

8. Proofread: Before submitting your portfolio, proofread it thoroughly to ensure there are no errors or typos. You may want to use grammar and spelling checking tools or ask someone else to review your work.

9. Save and share: Once you are satisfied with your portfolio, save it in a suitable file format (e.g., PDF) and upload it to the desired platform or submit it as per the given instructions.

Remember, practice is essential for improving your reading and writing skills. Consider reading books, articles, or short stories to expand your vocabulary and enhance your understanding of narrative techniques.

I lowkey need help

Wow I like how they say they forgot how to write and they wrote thisπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Oh nevermind read it wrong
