I have to write a research paper on Maya Angelou. I can do it in autobiographical stlye. I have no idea of how to begin with this. I picked up 3 books of her works, but don't have a clue. Any help? I want to do it myself, but do it well.

Most biographies are written in chronological order, starting with the family and the birth of the subject.

I suggest you make an outline of what you want to say in your paper.

Are you sure you can do it in "autobiographical" style? Of is it "biographical" style?

You're right, it's biographical style..

Writing a research paper in an autobiographical style about Maya Angelou can be a meaningful and personal way to explore her life and work. Here are some steps to help you begin:

1. Familiarize yourself with Maya Angelou's life and works: Start by reading through the three books you have collected. Take notes on significant events, themes, and writing styles that you find in her works. Pay attention to her autobiographies, poetry, and essays, as they can provide insights into her personal experiences and perspectives.

2. Outline your paper: Before you start writing, create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. Your outline could include sections such as Introduction, Early Life, Career Achievements, Influences, Impact, and Conclusion.

3. Start with a captivating introduction: Begin your paper with a strong opening that grabs the reader's attention and provides a brief overview of Maya Angelou's significance. Consider using a quote, anecdote, or a compelling fact about her life to engage your readers.

4. Dive into Maya Angelou's early life: In this section, delve into her childhood, including her experiences, family background, and any influential factors that shaped her worldview. Refer to specific events or milestones that provide insights into her personal growth and development.

5. Explore her career achievements: In this section, focus on Maya Angelou's significant accomplishments, such as her books, poetry, plays, activism, and accolades. Highlight the impact of her works on literature and society, as well as her influence on future generations.

6. Discuss her influences and inspirations: Maya Angelou drew inspiration from various sources. Research and explore the individuals, experiences, or literary movements that influenced her writing style, themes, and perspectives. Discuss how these influences shaped her unique voice.

7. Analyze the impact of her work: In this section, examine how Maya Angelou's writing has impacted society, literature, and cultural movements. Discuss her contributions to civil rights, feminism, and her role as a public figure. Consider incorporating quotes, anecdotes, or critical interpretations to support your analysis.

8. Reflect on personal connections: Since you are writing in an autobiographical style, it's essential to reflect on how Maya Angelou's work has personally affected you. Discuss your reactions, emotions, and how her writing has influenced your worldview or understanding of important themes such as identity, race, resilience, and personal growth.

9. Conclude your paper: Summarize the main points you discussed in your paper and reiterate the significance of Maya Angelou's life and works. You could also include a personal reflection on what you have learned through your research.

Remember, writing is a process, and it's okay to go through multiple drafts. Start by brainstorming ideas, organizing your thoughts, and then gradually develop your paper by adding evidence and refining your arguments. Good luck with your research paper on Maya Angelou!