Two substances are combined and react. After 10 minutes, the chemical reaction has reached equilibrium. Which values would be equal to zero for the solution?

1. The concentration of the reactants
2. The rate for the forward reaction
3. The temperature of the solution
4. The change in concentration of the product

1.the change in concentration of the product

2.The reaction is not reversible.
3.The equilibrium would shift to the right, and the concentration of MnO4– ions would increase. increase in temperature
5.The rate of the forward reaction will increase, raising the temperature in response.
6.There are no observable changes, but reactions continue at the molecular level.
7.Affluent communities have the political and social power to oppose mines, factories, or other dangerous sites in their locations.
9.They are often like locks that fit with specialized molecular keys.
10.if the water is very hard and leaves buildup in pipes for local residents
11.animal feed
12.spider silk
13.less efficient

just use these for extra help, try a little!

anon is right. For people on connexus there’s a check button if you’re not confident with your answer. Try to answer them on your own though.

If it has reached equilibrium I do not think it is reacting any more.

its 4!!

To determine which values would be equal to zero at equilibrium, we need to understand what happens during a chemical reaction at equilibrium.

At equilibrium, the forward and backward reactions occur at the same rate. This means that the rate for the forward reaction and the rate for the backward reaction are equal. If a reaction reaches equilibrium after 10 minutes, it implies that the rate for the forward reaction and the rate for the backward reaction have both become constant.

Now, let's consider the given options:

1. The concentration of the reactants: At equilibrium, the concentrations of the reactants may not be zero. Equilibrium is a dynamic state where the concentrations of the reactants and products remain constant, but they may not be zero.

2. The rate for the forward reaction: At equilibrium, the rate for both the forward and backward reactions is equal. Therefore, the rate for the forward reaction is not zero but is equal to the rate of the backward reaction.

3. The temperature of the solution: Equilibrium is dependent on temperature. Changing the temperature will affect the position of equilibrium, but it does not mean the temperature at equilibrium is zero. Therefore, the temperature of the solution at equilibrium is not zero.

4. The change in concentration of the product: At equilibrium, the concentration of the products remains constant, meaning there is no further change in their concentration. Therefore, the change in concentration of the product is zero at equilibrium.

To summarize, the value that would be equal to zero for the solution at equilibrium is the change in concentration of the product. However, the concentrations of the reactants, the rate for the forward reaction, and the temperature of the solution are not zero at equilibrium.