1. How did the National Grange and the Farmers' Alliance help farmers? Choose 2. (2 points) *

A They went on strike to demand 8 hour work days and ending child labor.
B They held social and educational gatherings to brings farmers together to learn new techniques and enjoy each other's company
C They build improved housing for immigrants to help them get started in Minnesota.
D They supported political candidates who would look out for their interests, like regulating railroad and wheat prices.

This is a test so if anybody has the reviewing answers that would be great!

answers pls

Nevermind, I was incorrect.

Do not use my guess!!!

To determine how the National Grange and the Farmers' Alliance helped farmers, we can analyze the options presented:

A. They went on strike to demand 8-hour work days and ending child labor.
This option suggests that the National Grange and the Farmers' Alliance supported labor movements and fought for workers' rights. However, there is no evidence to suggest that they specifically focused on strikes or child labor issues. Therefore, we can eliminate option A.

B. They held social and educational gatherings to bring farmers together to learn new techniques and enjoy each other's company.
This option implies that the National Grange and the Farmers' Alliance organized events where farmers could gather, exchange knowledge, and build a sense of community. These gatherings would have facilitated the sharing of agricultural techniques and may have provided emotional support for farmers. This option aligns with the historical role of these organizations, so we can consider option B as a potentially correct answer.

C. They built improved housing for immigrants to help them get started in Minnesota.
This option suggests that the National Grange and the Farmers' Alliance focused on providing housing assistance specifically for immigrants in Minnesota. While these organizations may have supported immigrant farmers, there is no evidence to suggest that housing construction was a central part of their activities. Therefore, we can eliminate option C.

D. They supported political candidates who would look out for their interests, like regulating railroad and wheat prices.
This option highlights the political involvement of the National Grange and the Farmers' Alliance. By supporting candidates who prioritized the interests of farmers and advocated for regulations on industries like railroads and wheat, these organizations sought to address economic issues impacting farmers. This aligns with the historical role of these organizations, so we can consider option D as another potentially correct answer.

Based on our analysis, options B and D appear to be the most likely ways in which the National Grange and the Farmers' Alliance helped farmers. However, to be certain of the correct answers, it is always recommended to refer to the primary sources, textbooks, or reliable historical references.

I'm not sure if this is correct, so please do not think this is correct! It's just a guess.

I'm guessing its D or C. This is not confirmed to be correct so please inform me on wether im correct or not!