4.What is the equation of the function y=2/x translated 3 units to the left and 4 units up?


To find the equation of a function that is translated 3 units to the left and 4 units up, you need to adjust the original equation based on the given translations.

The original equation is y = 2/x.

- Translation 3 units to the left: To translate the function 3 units to the left, you need to subtract 3 from the x-coordinate. This means that instead of x, you will use (x + 3) in the equation.

- Translation 4 units up: To translate the function 4 units up, you need to add 4 to the y-coordinate. This means that instead of y, you will use (y - 4) in the equation.

Combining both translations, the adjusted equation becomes:
(y - 4) = 2/(x + 3)

So, the equation of the translated function is (y - 4) = 2/(x + 3).

to translate right by h and up by k,

y-k = f(x-h)
so plug that into your equation