5/12 of the mass of nuts Jeff had is cashew nuts and the rest is peanuts. After he bought another 1/4 kg of cashew nuts and gave away 3/8 kg of peanuts, he had an equal mass of cashew nuts and peanuts. Find the mass of the cashew nuts he had at first.

c = 5m / 12 ... p = 7m / 12

5m/12 + 1/4 = 7m/12 - 3/8

10m/24 + 6/24 = 14m/24 - 9/24 ... 10m + 6 = 14m - 9 ... 15 = 4m ... m = 15/4

c = 75/4 / 12 = 75 / 48 = 25/16 kg

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation based on the given information. Let's denote the mass of cashew nuts Jeff had at first as C and the mass of peanuts as P.

According to the problem, 5/12 of the total mass of nuts Jeff had is cashew nuts. This means that C = 5/12 * (C + P).

After buying another 1/4 kg of cashew nuts, the total mass of cashew nuts becomes C + 1/4.

After giving away 3/8 kg of peanuts, the total mass of peanuts becomes P - 3/8.

The problem states that Jeff had an equal mass of cashew nuts and peanuts after these transactions. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

C + 1/4 = P - 3/8.

Now, let's solve this equation step by step:

Multiply through the equation by 8 to eliminate the denominators:

8C + 2 = 8P - 3.

Rearrange the equation:

8C - 8P = -5.

Using the equation C = 5/12 * (C + P), we can simplify it as:

12C = 5C + 5P.

Rearrange the equation:

12C - 5C = 5P.

Simplify further:

7C = 5P.

Now we have a system of equations:

8C - 8P = -5,
7C = 5P.

To solve this system of equations, we can use either substitution or elimination method.

Let's employ the substitution method:

Solve the second equation for P:

P = (7C) / 5.

Substitute this value of P into the first equation:

8C - 8((7C) / 5) = -5.


8C - (56C / 5) = -5.

Multiply through the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction:

40C - 56C = -25.

Combine like terms:

-16C = -25.

Divide through the equation by -16:

C = -25 / -16.


C = 25/16.

Therefore, the mass of cashew nuts Jeff had at first is 25/16 kg.

Let's assume the total mass of nuts Jeff had at first is M kg.

According to the given information, 5/12 of the mass are cashew nuts, and the remaining (1 - 5/12) = 7/12 of the mass is peanuts.

So, the mass of cashew nuts at first is (5/12)M kg, and the mass of peanuts is (7/12)M kg.

After Jeff bought another 1/4 kg of cashew nuts, the mass of cashew nuts became (5/12)M + 1/4 kg.

After giving away 3/8 kg of peanuts, the mass of peanuts became (7/12)M - 3/8 kg.

According to the given condition, the mass of cashew nuts became equal to the mass of peanuts:

(5/12)M + 1/4 = (7/12)M - 3/8

Multiply through by 24 to clear the fractions:

10M + 6 = 14M - 9

Subtract 10M from both sides and add 9 to both sides:

6 + 9 = 14M - 10M

15 = 4M

Divide both sides by 4:

M = 15/4

Therefore, the mass of the cashew nuts Jeff had at first was (5/12) * (15/4) kg = (25/8) kg = 3.125 kg.