What is stated by the law of conservation of mass? (1 point)

1. Mass is conserved in a chemical reaction but not during a physical change.

2. When a substance transforms from a liquid state to a gaseous state, it loses mass.

3. Two reactants can combine to form a product or greater mass.

4. In a closed system, matter is neither created nor destroyed.

1. In a closed system, matter is neither created nor destroyed.

2. The mass of water is equal to the combined mass of hydrogen and oxygen.

3. 56 g

4. 18 g

your welcome 100%

@some help is right tyy

some help thx

Thanks so much!

what the answer?

someone answer pleaseeee

Can someone please post all the answers for "Modern Fission Quick Check" please quickly as possible.

Which fact is true during a fission chain reaction?(1 point)

The correct answer is option 4: "In a closed system, matter is neither created nor destroyed." This statement is stated by the law of conservation of mass, which is a fundamental principle in science.

To understand why this statement is true, we can look at the concept of a closed system. In a closed system, no matter or energy is exchanged with the surroundings. This means that any matter present within the system remains constant. The law of conservation of mass states that in such a closed system, the total mass before and after a physical or chemical change stays the same.

To arrive at this law, scientists have conducted numerous experiments and observations that consistently support this principle. They have observed that in chemical reactions, the total mass of the reactants will always be equal to the total mass of the products. Similarly, in physical changes, like changes of state or phase transitions, the total mass of the substance will remain constant.

In summary, the law of conservation of mass tells us that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system. Instead, it can undergo various transformations such as changes of state or chemical reactions while maintaining its total mass.

i think 4. In a closed system, matter is neither created nor destroyed

Hope this helped! You can correct me if i'm wrong