help Which of the following makes a true statement about U.S. foreign policy?

It is the secretary of state who makes all the important decisions related to foreign policy.
One of its goals is to encourage other countries to make their governments more democratic.
Congress believes foreign policy is more important than domestic policy and works on it first.
The president usually tries to maintain isolation by sending ambassadors to other countries.

To determine which statement makes a true statement about U.S. foreign policy, we can analyze each option one by one:

1. "It is the secretary of state who makes all the important decisions related to foreign policy."
This statement is not entirely accurate. While the Secretary of State plays a crucial role in advising the President on foreign policy matters and implementing policies, foreign policy decisions are ultimately made by the President, with the input and advice from various departments and agencies.

2. "One of its goals is to encourage other countries to make their governments more democratic."
This statement is true. Promoting democracy is one of the key objectives of U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. often encourages other nations to adopt democratic institutions, respect human rights, and foster good governance.

3. "Congress believes foreign policy is more important than domestic policy and works on it first."
This statement is not entirely accurate. While Congress has an important role in shaping and overseeing foreign policy through legislation, it does not prioritize foreign policy over domestic policy. Both areas are equally important, and Congress addresses them based on the prevailing issues and priorities at any given time.

4. "The president usually tries to maintain isolation by sending ambassadors to other countries."
This statement is not true. U.S. foreign policy is typically aimed at engaging with other countries rather than maintaining isolation. The President sends ambassadors to represent U.S. interests and engage in diplomacy, fostering relationships, and promoting cooperation with other nations.

Based on this analysis, the statement that makes a true representation about U.S. foreign policy is: "One of its goals is to encourage other countries to make their governments more democratic."