A survey asked 100 students to choose their favorite sports. The results are shown in the circle graph. This graph is misleading/ What would be more appropriate to display the data?

A more appropriate way to display the data would be a bar graph or a pie chart, which would accurately represent the percentage of students who prefer each sport without any distortion or exaggeration.

To display the data more appropriately, a bar graph or a column graph would be more suitable than a circle graph. Bar graphs or column graphs are typically used for displaying categorical data, providing a clear visual representation of each category's frequency or proportion. This type of graph allows for easier comparison between categories and avoids the potential for misinterpretation that can occur with a circle graph.

To determine a more appropriate way to display the data from the survey, we first need to understand why the circle graph is considered misleading. Circle or pie graphs are generally used to represent the parts of a whole, where each slice represents a proportion of the total. However, they can become misleading if the proportions or angles of the slices are not accurately represented.

To create a more appropriate display of the data, we can consider alternatives such as a bar graph or a stacked bar graph. These types of graphs provide a clear visual representation of the data and allow for easy comparison between different categories.

Here's how you can create a bar graph to represent the data:

1. Identify the different sports that were included in the survey (e.g., football, basketball, soccer, tennis, etc.).

2. Create a vertical or horizontal axis and label it "Sports."

3. On the axis, draw equally spaced bars corresponding to each sport category.

4. Label each bar with the respective sport name.

5. Determine the appropriate scale for the axis based on the range of responses (e.g., if the highest number of students who chose a sport is 40, use a scale that ranges up to 40).

6. Using the data from the survey, determine the number of students who chose each sport category.

7. For each sport category, draw a bar from the axis to the corresponding height based on the number of students who chose that sport.

8. Color or shade each bar with a different color to differentiate between the sports.

9. Add a title to the graph, such as "Favorite Sports of 100 Students."

By creating a bar graph, you can easily compare the number of students who chose each sport and accurately represent the data from the survey. This will provide a clearer and more appropriate visualization compared to the potentially misleading circle graph.