write a 200-300 word description of how these four subsystems interact with one another. In your response, identify one type of resource from each subsystem on which people depend.

this is what i said.....

The earths 4 subsystems are the following lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and finally the atmosphere. The lithosphere deals with all the earths land. The hydrosphere deals with all the earths’ water and ice. The biosphere deals with all the earths living things while the atmosphere deals with the earth’s weather and air. All the subsystems interact with each other when the water nourishes the land with the essential minerals that allows for the growth of the plants and vegetation needed to sustain life. Water can come from the oceans, lakes, streams, or our atmosphere in the form of our weather. The seasons also dictate when this vegetation grows. If we did not have all the earths’ subsystems there would not be any life on earth. People depend on the four subsystems. People depend on the lithosphere because we need land to grow our food crops on. People depend on hydrosphere because all life needs some water. We need biosphere because we need living things. This includes human life as wells as other life. People depend on the atmosphere because that is the air we breathe. What would happen if we were with out air? With out the use of the air everything would eventually end up dying.

Good job, Scooby! :-)

so u think i can turn it in now?

yay i think so

Yes, definitely turn it in now.

Thank you. I hope this is what they are looking for

The interaction between the earth's four subsystems, namely the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere, is crucial for the sustenance of life on our planet. These subsystems are interconnected and depend on each other for various resources.

Firstly, the lithosphere, which refers to the earth's solid land, plays a vital role in supporting life. People depend on resources from the lithosphere such as fertile soil, minerals, and land for agriculture. The lithosphere provides the foundation for the growth of food crops and enables human civilization to thrive.

Secondly, the hydrosphere encompasses all forms of water on earth, including oceans, lakes, rivers, and groundwater. Water is essential for all forms of life and serves as a resource on which people depend. Humans rely on water for drinking, irrigation of crops, industrial processes, and transportation.

Thirdly, the biosphere involves all living organisms on earth. It includes plants, animals, and microorganisms that interact with each other and their environment. The biosphere provides resources like food, medicine, and raw materials for human needs. People depend on the biosphere for sustenance, livelihood, and overall well-being.

Lastly, the atmosphere refers to the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth. It consists of various gases, including oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, among others. The atmosphere plays a crucial role in regulating the earth's climate and weather patterns. People depend on the atmosphere for the air we breathe, which is essential for respiration.

The interaction between these subsystems is evident in the water cycle. The hydrosphere nourishes the lithosphere by providing water and essential minerals for plant growth. Plants from the biosphere, in turn, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. The atmosphere also influences weather patterns, which affect the availability of water and the growth of vegetation.

In conclusion, the four subsystems of the earth – lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere – interact harmoniously to sustain life. Each subsystem provides vital resources, on which people depend. The interconnection between these subsystems is essential for maintaining the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystem.