During medieval times Europe's major cities would most likely be located near which of the following?

During medieval times Europe's major cities would most likely be located near which of the following?

Which Germanic tribe defeated the last Roman army in Western Europe?
D.the Franks
What was one step that Charlemagne took to help unite his kingdom?
C.He created and supported schools.
How did Pope Leo III's crowning of Charlemagne as emperor of the Romans symbolize an increase in the Church's power?
B.It suggested that the pope had the power to choose an emperor.
Plz trust me I got 100%

1. rivers

2. the Franks
3. He created and supported schools.
4. It suggested that the pope had the power to choose an emperor.
Have an amazing day!

@🍪Nom Nom🍪 Your 100% correct thank you so much.

This does not really help much but when I am done, I will get the answers. You can count on me!!!

yeah, nom nom is right. thanks, also ima post the next lessons answers

hmmm idk ima check really quick

LOL me too

You were wrong give me the free donuts


have an AMAZING summer break!!!