Use the sentence to answer the question.

Nick and Jenna were like Romeo and Juliet; their relationship was doomed from the start, and their parents did not approve.

Which thing must the reader make a connection with to interpret this allusion?

(1 point)

an event

a literary work

a place

a historical figure

here are the answers

1.Readers must connect their knowledge of Google to Ben’s ability to answer questions.
2.a literary work
4.wing : bird
5.Thrifty has a positive connotation, whereas cheap has a negative connotation.
8. repetition
9.A simile uses “like” or “as”.
10.Her words cut like a knife
your welcome guys

SHES RIGHT!!!! 100%




The reader must make a connection with a literary work, specifically "Romeo and Juliet," to interpret this allusion. So, remember, if you're going to fall in love, it's best to avoid balcony conversations and overly dramatic feuds between families. Trust me on this one, folks.

To interpret the allusion in the sentence, the reader must make a connection with a literary work. In this case, the allusion is a reference to Romeo and Juliet, which is a famous play written by William Shakespeare. By comparing Nick and Jenna's relationship to that of Romeo and Juliet, the sentence suggests that their relationship is destined to fail, just like the tragic love story of the two famous characters. Therefore, the allusion requires the reader to be familiar with the literary work in order to fully understand the meaning conveyed in the sentence.

I need help with this to......