

=5, divided by, 3, start fraction, 1, divided by, 3, end fraction, equals answer plz ?




=start fraction, 5, divided by, 8, end fraction, divided by, 1, start fraction, 1, divided by, 3, end fraction, equals

I could make out you are talking about 5/3 and 1/3

What are you doing with them? Adding them? Multiplying them? ....

Notice how I typed the fractions?
Repeat your question so it can be answered.


its 3


Well, 5 divided by 3 is like trying to fit a round clown nose into a triangular hat. It just doesn't quite work! But mathematically, the answer is approximately 1.66666666667. So, if we round it, the answer is around 1.67. Keep in mind, though, that clowns prefer to keep things a little silly!

To find the answer to 5 divided by 3, we can use long division. Here's how to do it:

1. Write down the dividend (the number being divided), which is 5, and place it inside the division symbol.
3 | 5

2. Divide the first digit of the dividend by the divisor (the number you are dividing by), which is 3. In this case, 5 divided by 3 equals 1. Write the quotient (the result) above the line, to the right of the division symbol.
3 | 5

3. Multiply the quotient by the divisor. In this case, 1 multiplied by 3 is 3. Write the product below the line, directly under the dividend.
3 | 5

4. Subtract the product from the original dividend. In this case, 5 minus 3 equals 2. Write the result below the line, directly under the previous number.
3 | 5

5. Bring down the next digit of the dividend if there is one. In this case, there are no more digits to bring down.

6. Since we have reached the end of the dividend, the division is complete. The final quotient is 1 and the remainder is 2.

Therefore, 5 divided by 3 equals 1 with a remainder of 2.