Question: Consider following equilibrium system: SO2(g)+ Cl2(g) goes to So2Cl2(g) Kp=.900 atm @25 degree C. Suppose that 2.0 moles S02, 1.0 moles Cl2, and 3.0 moles So2Cl2 are placed in an empty 4.00L vessel at 25 degree C. Compute the number of grams of each substance present at equilibrium.

I set up an ICE table and converted all the moles of each substance to Molarity of each. Once i did that i got stuck, because the Kp is in atm and the other values are in molarity. What do i have to do to get atm of each and than convert those into grams?

You can change Kp to Kc.

How do you change Kp to Kc?

Kc = Kp(RT)^-delta n where

delta n = n(gas products) - n(gas reactants)

Please check my work?

I first changed Kp to Kc: .900atm(0.0821)(25+273.15)^(2.0 mol*1.0 mol)- (3.0)= 22.03

Than i did an ICE table. I than used the equation Kc= So2Cl2/So2*Cl2. 22.03=(.75+x)/(.5-x)(.25-x). I than solved for x. x=.169 was the only value that worked for x. I than substitued those into the each values to get moles than i changed them into grams of each. for the So2 I go 21.21g, for the Cl2 i got 5.74g and the SO2Cl2 i got 78.41 g. Is the correct way to do this problem?

I didn't check the problem itself. I first checked the conversion of Kp to Kc.

First, you misunderstood the delta n part. The number of moles product n is 1 (its the coefficient, not the moles in the problem) and n for reactants is 2 (1+1)(again, not the values in the problem but the coefficients). Also, you turned it around; it should be products-reactants or 1-2=-1 BUT the good news is that your two errors canceled out and you came out with the right answer of -1. However, you did NOT include R within the parentheses so that makes your 22 incorrect.
I have Kc = Kp(RT)^-1 =
0.9/(0.08205*298.15) = about 0.04 but check my math. The 0.04 needs to be exact and not estimated on my part.

For the problem, you next need to determine which way the reaction is going in order to reach equilibrium.
SO2 + Cl2 ==> SO2Cl2
reaction quotient = (SO2Cl2)/(SO2)(Cl2) =
0.75/(0.5)(0.25) = 6.00
Since 6.00 is so much larger than 0.04, the reaction, as set up, is too far to the right so we know it will be shifting to the left.
Thus SO2 = 0.5+x; Cl2 = 0.25+x; SO2Cl2 = 0.75-x
and go from there.

To solve this problem, you first need to convert the moles of each substance to the corresponding molarity. After setting up the ICE (Initial, Change, Equilibrium) table, you can calculate the equilibrium concentrations of each substance in terms of molarity (M).

Now, to convert the equilibrium concentrations from molarity to atm, you can use the ideal gas law. The ideal gas law states that PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

In this case, you are given the volume (V = 4.00 L), temperature (T = 25 degrees Celsius = 298 K), and the number of moles for each substance. You can solve for the pressure (P) using the ideal gas law. Remember to convert the temperature to Kelvin by adding 273: 25 + 273 = 298 K.

Once you have the pressures in atm, you can convert them into grams using the molar mass of each substance. The molar mass of SO2 is 64.06 g/mol, the molar mass of Cl2 is 70.91 g/mol, and the molar mass of SO2Cl2 is 135.0 g/mol.

To convert from pressure (atm) to grams, you can use the following equation: grams = (pressure in atm) x (molar mass in g/mol) / (ideal gas constant R in L.atm/mol.K) x (temperature in K).

By applying this equation to each substance, you can calculate the number of grams of SO2, Cl2, and SO2Cl2 present at equilibrium.